Last year, Twitter introduced the ability to limit who could reply to a tweet. But users had to choose who could reply before posting the tweet. However, with the new change in place users can limit replies after posting a tweet.
The process of changing the reply option in a posted tweet is quite simple. You just have to tap on the three dot menu placed in the top right corner of a tweet. Then you have to select ‘Change who can reply’ from the dropdown menu.
Your Tweets = Your space. Now you can change who can reply to you even after you Tweet.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) 1626203356000
Now, you will notice a ‘Who can reply?’ Card, from there you can choose one of the three options. The three options given are: Everyone, People you follow and Only people you mention.
This new feature will offer more control in the hands of the users and will also help in reducing harassment on the platform. The company has started rolling out the feature worldwide on Android, iOS and the web.
Recently, Twitter introduced the ability to use security keys as the only authentication method. Users can use a security key to sign in to their accounts, but first, they have to turn on 2FA methods like SMS code.
Security keys are small devices that act as keys to your house. Just as you need a physical key to unlock the door to your home, you need a security key to unlock access to your account. Security keys offer the strongest protection for your Twitter account because they have built-in protections to ensure that even if a key is used on a phishing site, the information shared can’t be used to access your account.
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