Home ยป 93 History Sheeters in Cuddalore arrested for TN Assembly Elections

93 History Sheeters in Cuddalore arrested for TN Assembly Elections

Police have identified 178 sensitive and important locations across the district.

In order to prevent any untoward incident in the assembly elections in the nine assembly constituencies of Cuddalore district, the police of Cuddalore district have arrested 93 history-sheeters and trouble-makers.

Police identified historyheaters and firefighters during a special operation on March 3 and 4.

Superintendent of Police M. .Shri Abhinav said.

Police claimed that miscreants and dossiers could commit crimes during the election. He has been detained as a preventive measure.

Meanwhile, security has been tightened at all nine border posts along with the Union Territory and other districts to prevent smuggling of liquor, cash flow and entry of nuisance elements into the district.

Police have identified 178 sensitive and important locations across the district. An official said the evaluation is still ongoing and the number is subject to change.

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